Sustainable Packaging

WA is not just our place of work, it’s our home. It’s where our farms are, and it’s where our delicious dairy products come from. That’s why we’re passionate about protecting it. As part of our environmental commitment, Brownes adopts the principles and strategies for sustainable packaging as detailed by the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation:

  • Fit for Purpose:Packaging should be designed to meet market and consumer needs, while minimising net impact in a cost effective way.
  • Resource efficiency: Packaging should be designed to minimise the use of materials and other resources without compromising product quality and safety.
  • Low impact materials: Packaging designed to minimiseenvironmental and social impact of materials and components. Materials should be selected on science and incorporate a whole of lifecycle approach.
  • Resource recovery: Packaging should be designed to maximise its potential for recovery and recycling, and to minimise the environmental and social impacts of its disposal.

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At Brownes, we strive to always use suppliers that are as committed to sustainability as we are. See below to find out more about some of thepackaging we use:

Did you know?
Our yoghurt pouches are the ONLY pouches sold in WA that are also MADE in WA!?